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[vdr] Re: vdr with a wintv primio ?

>No, it means a raw data stream, uncompressed. You need a lot of horsepower
>compress in real-time. And you will not really be happy with 352x288
>resolution. Been there, done that :-)

it depends on the quality of recorded data. It should be at least as good as
a vhs tape...

>VDR is not the right project for the analogue wintv cards, and most likely
>will never be.

ok so, to use vdr, which card is cheap and good ?

>You might however be interested in Freevo, or Mythtv.

>They are building a VDR/tivo/like system on top of analogue capture cards.
>Mythtv page is, not sure about freevo but if you go to
> you'll be able to find it. You will need a lot more power
>than a P90 can give you though, but these projects do sound like exactly
>you are looking for.

In fact, I want to make a little box that can play mp3, divx and record TV.
So the choice of a old machine is not good, as a P90 is far from enought to
play divx ;)

But on the other hand, I do not need satellite receiver nor a very good
recording quality. If I can have the same quality as with a vhs tape, I will
be happy. That's why I was thinking about a EPIA mother bord which is just
fine to look at divX video file and a little analog TV card that is able to
record TV like a tape recorder.
In fact I was looking a VDR because it seems to be the only soft that is
very well integrated and can make you forget you are using a PC.

Thanks for this answer, it was very cool. I will take a look at the 2 links
you gave me.

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