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[vdr] Re: vdr with a wintv primio ?

> it depends on the quality of recorded data. It should be at least as good
> as a vhs tape...

Although there are several capture programs available, my best experiences 
have been with either nuppelvideo (nuvrec, part of the mpjeg-tools package, 
can be found on and mp1e (search freshmeat).

It will definately record in VSH quality. The problems begin when you want to 
record and play back at the sime time, or watch a divx while recording from 
TV :)

> In fact, I want to make a little box that can play mp3, divx and record TV.
> So the choice of a old machine is not good, as a P90 is far from enought to
> play divx ;)

Mythtv and Freevo have exactly those goals :)
mythtv is quite good, but you really do need a very fast machine, and it's a 
bit of pain to set up (because of dependencies). Freevo comes with a runtime 
directory containing everything it needs, so it "just works" no matter which 
packages you have installed. 

> But on the other hand, I do not need satellite receiver nor a very good
> recording quality. If I can have the same quality as with a vhs tape, I
> will be happy. That's why I was thinking about a EPIA mother bord which is
> just fine to look at divX video file and a little analog TV card that is
> able to record TV like a tape recorder.

The tricky is part is simultaniously recording and playing back :) 

> In fact I was looking a VDR because it seems to be the only soft that is
> very well integrated and can make you forget you are using a PC.

VDR *is* very good stuff :) But you need DVB stuff really. You'll find remote 
control support, etc etc, also in Freevo and Mythtv, along with probably 
already working MP3 support, divx support, etc. TV-out is a bit open, 
probably need a videocard with tv-out which is supported under X, and then 
run the program fullscreen.

> Thanks for this answer, it was very cool. I will take a look at the 2 links
> you gave me.

They are what you are looking for, because I have been looking for the same 
thing :-) But I was never really satisfied with them, probably because I was 
using "only" an 800MHz Duron CPU. And then you get the problem of noise, fans 
blowing, etc. The low requirements for VDR allow you to build a very quiet 
box, CPU does not need a fan, power supply doesn't have to be big, harddrives 
can be the slowest kind (need only a few MB/sec) - i.e. quietest kind.

I hope you'll be able to help out with the other projects, it'll still be 
interesting to see how far they get.


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