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[vdr] Re: DVD audio probs, was: new DVD plugin

Hello Andreas,

Am/On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:49:20 +0200 schrieb(en)/wrote Andreas Schultz <>:

>  > Everything except audio works fine. When starting replay of a DVD,
>  > the audio turns to loud white noise. Ending the DVD player via menu
>  > leaves the noise there, the correct audio is restored at channel
>  > switch.
> Uhm, that's the first time i hear of such a problem with the plugin. 
> With vdr-1.0.4 people with such effect normaly had AC3overDVB activated. 
> But that would produce a digital high pitched noise and not a white 
> noise. The fact that the noise remains after you stopped DVD playback 
> indicates that the noise is in fact _not_ some kind of distorted audio.

Arrrgh, I swear I have had the noise after switching off playback of the DVD, but trying out yesterday evening the correct audio came back with the DVB video. So please don't mind me that misinformation.

Next I'm going to both double checking the dvd libs and installing the MP3 plugin to see how it works.


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