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[vdr] Re: vdr: Websites for Beginners??

In article <000e01c272a6$a368fee0$152ca8c0@ronaldma>,
   Ronald Marlowe <> wrote:
> Thanks to all who have endeavoured to help with my enquiry.

> I suppose it seems fairly obvious now - you can't decode and watch
> pictures without either the premium card or some other hardware mpeg
> decoding capability. 

Yes you can, but not with vdr. 

> I was under the misconception that the un-decoded stream could be piped
> to a software decoder - mplayer perhaps - to allow live or playback
> viewing.

I've been watching UK DVB-t using a Nova-t for around 12 months now. All
you need is the DVB drivers, dvbstream and mplayer on a 400-500MHz machine.
Mplayer will also use h/ware decode if you have a Hollywood/dxr3.

> All is not lost however. I've placed a special order with Hauppauge in
> London for a DVB-t fully-featured card. 

Interesting. Is it much more expensive than the nova? 

Personally I opted for a cheap DVB-s card from ebay.


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