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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.1.13

> > driver:
> > -the new driver did'nt start up correctly on a fresh booted system, i
> > needed to load the older driver once (i use a 3 year old and a quite
> > fresh card, both Rev 1.3, the elder card does'nt show any image with that
> > driver)

Today i confirmed this once again - the driver


doesn't start up from cold boot at my 2 card system at least.
Also it quit a recording after 2 minutes and emergency restart of vdr did'nt 
help anymore, as the driver could not get reloaded by the runvdr script for 
some mysterious reason (modules still used somehow).

However - it's amazing - i still use the quite old 


which is capable of simultaneous record playback with this version of vdr as 
well! How is that possible? The sysload is about 15-20% user + 5-12% sys at a 
P2-450 doing 2 records and 1 playback + kvdr at the same time, mostly 
independend on the playback speed.

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