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[vdr] Re: mix Nexus TV out with GFX card TV out ?

> But you are right the best solution will be to compile mplayer by
> It's not as hard as it seems. :-)

I'm wondering if even I need to re-compile mplayer sources... it seems to
have all needed options by default

> Then you can circumvent the main problems and you can look with the dvb's
> and mplayer at the same time. That's then real multitasking isn't it?

Yep ! :)

I just need to change ma GFX card which as no TV output. But here again, I'm
wondering about which gfx card I should take to have the linux console on my
TV and playing divx without the need to charge the cpu to resize video... It
seems that a matrox G400 is find and has an hardware optimized way of
displaying to TV out...

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