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[vdr] Re: mix Nexus TV out with GFX card TV out ?

>I'm wondering if even I need to re-compile mplayer sources... it seems to
>have all needed options by default
Yes but you have to rip the initrd and to install the libs by hand then. I
don't know what is easyer for you.

>I just need to change ma GFX card which as no TV output. But here again,
>wondering about which gfx card I should take to have the linux console on
>TV and playing divx without the need to charge the cpu to resize video...
>seems that a matrox G400 is find and has an hardware optimized way of
>displaying to TV out...
If your tv has the possibility to receive rgb signals i would prefere this.
The pal coding is, hmm, sometimes really weird. 
Which cards are good i don't know. The riva i have works natively with
tv-out if i have no monitor connected. It's a really old card but hey it
fits my needs.
The G450 i have looks also promising but i had no time to try out if it is
possible to start directly with tv frequencies.

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