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[vdr] Re: A compliment and a question :)

Dennis Noordsij wrote:
> > > In the schedule list, I would like programs that are covered by a timer
> > > to be somehow highlighted or marked, so I know that master-timer picked
> > > it up and scheduled it for recording (or of course wether I already
> > > marked it for recording myself before - short memory :-). So, while
> > > building the OSD list, for every entry ask the timers class wether there
> > > is a timer covering this timeslot and channel, and if so, mark it on the
> > > OSD.
> >
> > I'll see what I can do...
> Hi Klaus,
> Thanks for the reply. I can implement this myself and hopefully save you the
> trouble (I'm sure you have more important things to do), I was just wondering
> if there's a particular style or approach you would prefer, and how you feel
> it should be implemented.
> Or a quick pointer like "add a method to SomeTimeClass for the check, call it
> from SomeEPGEntryClass, and make sure .. this .. and that .." so it doesn't
> break anything :-))

Well, I'll have to see how this is best done - but then I'll probably be at
the point where I will just implement it. It's really hard to say something
like this without almost implementing it...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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