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[vdr] Teletext now running with 1.1.13 & a DISEQC question

Hi all,

Long time no read ;o))

I managed to adapt the teletext plugin teletext-0.7.5 for use
with VDR 1.1.13 You can find it on

@Klaus: you changed a few things around from the .12 to
the .13 version :o))

Btw: (motor) Diseqc still isn`t working quite right yet, but I`m
still at it ;o)) I have got it working so far that I can switch from
satellite to satellite, but the wait time isn`t useable (takes far
too long) I`m going to have to dig deeper into the VDR program.

The only problem left (solved all others ;o) is that I need to wait
an "exact time" (which never is the same when switching from
one satellite to the next), otherwise I don`t get a picture on the tv.

Where in the program do you cycle through a routine, which checks
that the DVB card is syncd and ready to output a signal? It seems
to me that VDR gives up trying to sync the DVB card after a certain
amount of time and / or no longer tries to access the DVB card to tune
it properly. If I could increase this time, it might work (I`m not talking
about the watchdog as I run it as ./vdr at the moment)

The motor starts up and moves to the new satellite. The debug output
says cannot sync to channel "xyz" a few times. After the motor reaches
the satellite, VDR no longer gives this messages, yet I don`t get a signal
on the TV. There are also no "panic" messages. So why and where does
VDR quite trying to tune the channel correctly? I.e. what routine gives
up after time "x" or cycle number "x"?

Thanks & Greetz,

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