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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: mix Nexus TV out with GFX card TV out ?

> You can limit resolution, colour and vertikal or horizontal frequencies by
> the framebuffer-settings (even in the kernel at booting) in Linux.
> So you don't have to waste money for a VGA2TV-box.

I'm not sure that all gfx card support that. Moreover, there is still 2
problems, maybe you have awser :
1) with this solution , at reboot,  the TV might be dammaged as the PC will
output VGA frequencies when out of linux
2) by limitting the resolutions to TV acceptables, divX movie that are not
in correct resolutions will be shrinked by mplayer to fit the screen. This
additional work will certainly cause my little PII 400Mhz to not e able to
play the movie smootlhy.

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