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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: burned DVB-s

Dennis Noordsij wrote:
> On Friday 18 October 2002 17:30, you wrote:
>>Rienecker, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M wrote:
>>>>>Same applies to Cat-5 cable by the way....
>>>>so no cat5 over the yard to the parents??? ;-))
>>>Well, it's no good idea to put it from tree top to tree top :-)
>>Use shielded, rubber insulated cable and dig it under ground
>>about 1 meter deep, below the frost-level that is.
> Ahhhh. But then not everyone lives in Finland :-))
> (Don't flame me, I do. It's cold :(

Cold? Do you call this cold, it's just crisp autumn weather,
only -5C, it ain't cold, wait till february and -35C

Digging the cable underground is allways good, if possible,
even if it's only 30cm deep.

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