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[vdr] Re: Plugin & Diseqc Question to Klaus & all

Hi Klaus,

Thanks for the speedy reply ;o))

>> Do you or anyone have plans to integrate or make a plugin for motor
>I don't see how a _plugin_ should be of any help for motor DiSEqC.

Well, you need a way to fine tune and adjust your (my ;o)) motor
setup. Not all satellites are stored in a motor (and it depends on
which type you have, as to where they are stored). As new satellites
are lifted into orbit, one will need a possibilty to add these, etc
My idea of the plugin is to add these controls. If you don`t mind,
I'll give it a shot (as a plugin). The actual tuning of the (setup)
channels will continue through the diseqc.conf. I.e. the plugin
will be pure motor control for a first time or adjustment setup.
(similar to Bernd Schweikert' s vdr0.98lcddiseqc patch)

>As far as I understand this your problem is mainly that
>cDvbDevice::SetChannelDevice() just doesn't wait long
>enough after sending the DiSEqC command sequence to the

Yes, it seems that way. I started commenting out some parts
of the code (sucessfully, as I got no compiler errors ;o)) in
order to narrow down the problem, but I wasn't really getting
near the actual problem (I'm more of a hardware than a software
guru). Sometimes it is a little hard to understand someone elses
code ;o))

>equipment (I don't mean the W15 commands or so _in_ the
>DiSEqC sequence, but rather the timeout when waiting for
> a channel lock later).

That is what I think, too (from the hardware point of view)

>Please try the following:

Thanks a bunch. I will try it this evening and let you know 
if I was successfull.

> depending whether you are using the old driver or the
>NEWSTRUCT driver.

I tried both NEW and old drivers, it didn`t make a real
difference, which is why I started looking through the
actual VDR code.

Thanks & Greetz,

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