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[vdr] Re: Receiver and Player at the same time: Additional Info

At Sunday 20 October 2002 16:30 Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Take a look at cDevice::SetChannel(). The first thing that happens here
> when the channel is switched is that any ongoing replay is stopped.
> IIRC it is not possible to switch the channel and have a replay going on
> at the same time, without causing problems. But you may want to try
> commenting out the StopReplay() call to see for yourself...

Ah thanks for that tip, I'll try what I can do and what will happen;).

Another thing: When I start a replay while watching Pro7, and a timer 
recording RTL starts 5 minutes later, doesn't that work, too without 
stopping replay? (just asking - never tried)

Sascha Volkenandt

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