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[vdr] Re: AW: av synchronization in live video

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Noordsij" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: AW: av synchronization in live video

> On Wednesday 23 October 2002 14:22, you wrote:
> > i had the same problem. my solution:
> > put an heatsink on your dvb-card and cool it with a fan.
> >
> > with this solution my problems were blown away.
> >
> > bye
> > guido
> Hi,
> I've been wanting to do this, but am wondering how to properly stick a
> heatsink on it? With some kind of heat conducting glue? Some kind of
> (how)? Drill a hole through the ARM and screw it? :P
> Also, which parts in particular. The ARM I am sure, the tuner gets warm
but I
> don't know if it itself influences the card operations, any other chips
> need to be cooled?

I've put two CPU-heatsinks (for Pentium I) on the tuner and a heatsink on
the ARM (AV7110) and one on the bridge (SA7146).
Mounting is very easy. Put "Wärmeleitpaste" (german, don't know the word in
english) onto the tuner/chips. Clean two edges of the tuner/chips from the
"Wärmeleitpaste" and put "Sekundenkleber" (german, don't know the word in
english) onto the edges. That way you can also remove the heatsinks later.

Don't put the glue into the center of the chips, as the core will have less
heat-transfer then.


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