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[vdr] Messages on Consoles

Hi everybody,

i set up a VDR 1.0.4 (under Debian/SID) wich is started using a runvdr-skript 
and /etc/inittab. The entry in inittab is:


Everything works perfect so far, but the vdr sends all logging-messages (like 
-vdr : ircommand = ...) directly to all consoles, wich is quite annoying. 
Does anybody have a clue which configuration i have to tune to stop or 
redirect that logging? I tried redirecting the output to /dev/null with a ">" 
in the inittab, wich didn't work (because of missing shell, i think) and also 
tried to start VDR in daemon-mode setting it "-d" in my runvdr skript, wich 
didn't work either. Any help would be appreciated.

Bye Rainer
"Why do we have to hide from the police, Daddy?"
"Because we use vi, son. They use emacs."

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