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[vdr] Re: External Cutting-Programm ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Axel Gruber" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:57 PM
Subject: [vdr] External Cutting-Programm ?

> Hello List
> Some time ago i have asked on this list for a external cutting -Soution
wich is able
> to read the VDR-Cutting-Markers and cut a Recording.
> I got several E-Mails and one from Klaus Schmidinger that - for a
Programmer - it´s very
> easy to extract the CUT-CODE out of the VDR and make a small easy programm
wich do this.
> Like this:
> easycutter
> So this programm read the Files and cut them to a /tempdir (perhaps with a
new Path).
> Perhaps anyone have allready build such a Programm or can help me to build
this ???
> This is a Part of a DVD-R SAVING-Solution for VDR to save Recordings to

There is be a much better way than implementing a stand-alone
Implement a RAWpes2ps remuxer/repacker into remux.c (don't know where the
code has moved in 1.1.x - Klaus?).
This would enable to use !ANY! MPEG-cutting solution!


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