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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: console plugin vdr-console-0.1.0

* Jan Rieger <> [021119 11:58]:
> because of the actual discussion about VDR as a terminal, i would like to
> announce my plugin "console" for the developer version of VDR.
> The plugin is developed under VDR version 1.1.15 but it schould also
> function with older and newer versions of the developer version of VDR.
> You can download the actual version from
> .

Cool work!
2 minor issues:

* why do you set REMOTE_KBD in case REMOTE is not set, even though it
  does not work? I suggest setting this to lirc to make the module
  compile in that case. (Or is this somewhat evil? I have the vdr
  includes in /usr/include/vdr/ and compile all plugins outside of the
  vdr tree, in which case this fails

* with gcc 3.2 i get the following error:
  g++  -fPIC -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -c -DPLUGIN_NAME_I18N='"console"' 
       -D_GNU_SOURCE -DREMOTE_LIRC -I/usr/include/vdr 
       -I../../../../DVB/include console.c 
  In file included from console.c:20: 
  engine.h:278: friend declaration requires class-key, 
  i.e. `friend struct cConsoles'
  make: *** [console.o] Error 1

  When I change the declaration from "friend cConsoles" to 
  "friend class cConsoles", everything works nicely.


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