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[vdr] Re: test report on vdr-1.1.18

Guy Roussin wrote:
> Hi,
> - When i'm in channel list (menu 2), if i press the
> red key, i get a bad channel if on the current page,
> before the channel i want to edit, there is some :@xxx
> channels (new feature).

I tried to reproduce this, but it doesn't happen here.
Can you send me a channels.conf where I can reproduce this?

> - In my log, i get on some particular channels this error :
> ERROR: channel xxxx not locked on DVB card 1!
> I must very quickly change the channel because
> after 2 or 3 errors i get :
> ERROR: max panic level exceeded.
> and vdr restart ...

This should no longer happen in version 1.1.19, since there tuning
is done in a separate thread (and therefore the "panic" mechanism is no
longer active).


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