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[vdr] Re: Mux A / Channel 5 UK DVB-T broken with VDR,dvbstream works...

Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:
> At 08:35 09/01/2003, you wrote:
> >> Are you all blaming your tuning or is it just that no one else can
> >> reproduce this problem?
> >
> >I assumed it was an antenna problem, as my setup is not ideal.
> Do you also notice "buffer empty" messages in the message log?
> I have also blamed the occasional blips on other channels to be tuning problems but now come to realize that these are related to a "buffer emtpy" message in the log. For say the BBC transmitter (error rate at 50 :) those are just single pictures that flicker.
> So what we seem to have with C5 compared to other transmitters is that vdr doesn't "recover" properly from it's "buffer emtpy" problem. After the first flicker it gets worse and worse and only gets better when the scene changes (re-sync?).
> Obviously what we'd want is to avoid any "buffer empty" messages in the first place.... what's the latest on those?
> In transfer.c I have noticed :
>  //XXX+ Maybe we need this to avoid "buffer empty" log messages from the driver.
>  //XXX+ But then again, it appears to play just fine without this...
> I'm afraid the latter doesn't apply anymore :( but I can't seem to get
> if (!gotBufferReserve) to make it any better (rather worse - see earlier posting)...

Since you wrote in your other posting that you have the same problems
with actual recordings, this "buffer reserve" in Transfer Mode won't make
any difference.

I assume that there is a problem with this C5 stream, maybe something like the
problem we recently had with the German RTL stream. All of a sudden recordings
from that channel could not be replayed any more. It turned out that the firmware
dated 2002-04-15 was still able to replay these streams, so maybe you should give
that a try.


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