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[vdr] Overlapping recordings

OK, this is for 1.0.4-AIO but maybe it still applies to 1.1 as well. Some
days ago I recorded two consecutive sessions on the same channel. As
you'd expect I got two recordings just fine. The disillusion came when
I had cut the first recording, removing everything that seemed junk,
and watching the second recording, noticing that I had just deleted
the beginning of the second film together with the trailing "garbage"
of the first one. Well. 

The fact that a recording starts some minutes early and adds maybe 10
minutes at the end is just fine. But if a second recording starts, the data
stream should be duplicated to the two recordings. It's not about two
recordings, it's just that the data stream could be duplicated. 

Granted, I could have copied the last block of the first recording to the
directory of the second and rebuild the index but this is not for the
average Joe User, grandma or other computer illiterates. 

Or am I missing something, and the bug is between my ears? 

Am I ranting?  I hope so.  My ranting gets raves.

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