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[vdr] Re: Mux A / Channel 5 UK DVB-T brokenwithVDR,dvbstream works...

At 19:40 09/01/2003, you wrote:
I'd suggest trying a combination of the latest driver from CVS and the firmware
Oh ok, looks like I need to get my head clear that there's a difference between firmware and drivers -- oops. Up until now I kind of assumed the drivers would have some kind of firmware shipped with it, OK I'll look into this.

> Moreover as you say vdr doesn't have much to do with the driver and as it
> works with dvbstream (which shouldn't  have much interaction with the
> driver either) this really doesn't look like it's related to the driver...

But then again I wouldn't know what VDR should do differently...
But I'm open to suggestions.
I'm kind of thinking the TS -> PES could be different than to dvbstream. Would there be an easy way to feed vdr with data from dvbstream and leaving the TS -> PES to dvbstream and the other way around, having dvbstream supply the TS only and letting vdr to TS -> PES?

I've seen testcode in the remux.c to just pass through TS, but how about feeding data from a file / fifo?

- Gregor

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