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[vdr] time-plugin AND vdr keymacros

Hi List,

this is a multi-mail;)

vdr-1.1.21 DVB-2003-the-version-on-klaus'-page

a) I am using the time plugin, and when I quit the clock with the "ok" button, 
and press "ok" again, the clock appears on top of the date and time that is 
displayed in the channel info box. 
I wasn't able to look further into that yet, and I wanted to know if anyone 
else has encountered this.

b) @Klaus: Could it be possible to start a plugin (if it is not IsMenu()) via 
keymacros directly instead of simulating the clicks? It doesn't look nice 
when the menu flashes over the screen just to display a clock ;) and also it 
prevents the time-plugin to be deactivated by the same button (what all 
commercial box do, I suppose)

Sascha Volkenandt

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