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[vdr] VDR feature request

Hello community,

what about a feature to integrate a second "primary directory" into vdr which is handled like video0 if you have more than one video partition. E.g. no symlinks pointing there but original files like the index.vdr summary.vdr, so you can move recordings there and play them directly without the need for creating symlinks in video0.
A kind of config file (maybe disks.conf) can be used to describe which disks belong together:

/video0 primary
/video1 video0
/video2 video0
/archive0 primary
/archive1 archive0

e.g. primary indicating that this directory shall be treated as a primary directory, all other names indicating the primary directory this
directory belongs to.

you then have to scan the partitions marked primary for recordings if changing to the recordings menu, or switch them on/off dynamically. Maybe using only the first found primary (with all accompanying directories: video1, video2 in this case) for recording and using all other primaries for replaying, so one could easily mount a recoring dir from a remote machine...


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