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[vdr] Re: Emergency exit after timer finishes (vdr-1.1.21)

> From: Gregor Lawatscheck []
> Hi Teemu,
> this could be in connection to your "handle oversized TS" patch, I've had
> this a couple of times after appyling your patch but blamed it on the if
> r=0 --> usleep(1) CPU saving.

I did try that this happens on a non-patched VDR too...

> There appears to be very rare deadlock situation with the patch, that can
> freeze the picture. You then have to switch channels, for the stream to
> come back, if you don't vdr will exit with "broken stream". I'm not quite
> sure why the deadlock happens, and have been trying to watch the error. It
> only happens once or twice a day, so it's fairly hard to track down.

I've had some lockups in the picture with all the VDR versions I've tried,
with or without the patch. I think that's a bug in DXR3 driver.

But those picture lockups didn't kill VDR...

Yes, the current channel and/or channel change might have something to do
with this.

> What's the reasoning behind the CPU saving thing. What exactly happens
> when
> r=0  or why would it be ? Is this when vdr has gone to idle mode?

The reasoning was that it saves 10-15% CPU on my poor machine. When combined
with couple of other changes (not included) the saving is even more when
recording two channel and watching third. Or shortly put, to reduce CPU to
make sure I don't get corrupted recordings, as the machine runs other
(light) tasks too.


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