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[vdr] dvd-plugin change audio

hi all!

i had some discussion with andreas schultz on how to change the audio
channel of dvds without the use of the "audio menu" on the dvd. that's
because i have some dvds that don't have any kind of menus. they rely on the
possibilty of most standalone players to change audio by keypress. he told
me that that was how the plugin did handle that in the early days.

after some disussions with clemens kirchgartner who tried to patch the
plugin in the way i suggested to (now that vdr can handle more keys) we (or
better he) had to stop because the function to change audio is there but
doesn't seem to be implemented in libdvdnav yet.

can anyone help?

i would love to be able to change audio (and/or subtitles) that FAST way
instead of open these f***** slow movie-menus. i hate them. :)

thanx in advance,

servus hannes!

Johannes Schoeller

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