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[vdr] Re: Poll: DVB-C Analogue-Module - Do you want driver support?

On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 11:09:36PM +0100, Andreas Kool wrote:
> My vdr-analogtv-0.0.2.tar.bz2 is a VDR cDevice. That means Klaus have
> to do exactly nothing. You can tune to any analogue channel via VDR-menu,
> you can record any analogue channel - everything VDR can do with a DVB-card
> is possible with analogue channels too :-)

cool ... what about a lirc hook that is controlled by vdr

i main you select a channel -> it is a analog sat channel -> it tels
lirc about that -> lirc tunes the analog sat receiver to that channel
-> the recording can begin :-))

a good night idea ..... ;-)

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