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[vdr] Newby Question: Installing a new driver / vdr

I'm using a vdr for a few months.
   vdr 1.1.20
   Some plugins
   DVB from 2002-12-08
   Suse Linux 8.1 Prof

I'm also a fan of the theory: "Never touch a running system" :-)

But over the last days i have some strange behaviors of my vdr (crashes,
Problems with osd...)
So i decided to upgrade my system (vdr 1.1.25 an the new driver released the
last days)

My Question is now: How can i do a save upgrade with the possibility of a
roleback if something strange happend?

I asume to install vdr and DVB in new directorys adjust the "VDR" / "DVB"
links to the new dirs and
do a make and a make install.

If something didn't work as expected is it possible to adjust the SymLinks
to the old dirs and everything works as before?

You have to know that my weekend won't be funny if daddy is breaking the vdr
on Friday :-)

Thanks for the help

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