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[vdr] Sending a OSD-Message out of a bash-Skript

Hi everybody,

I want to send a OSD Message out of a bash-Skript, and it should
last on screen for lets say three seconds. How can I do that ??

Background is the following:

As my videoarchive is growing larger and larger, I want to copy
some videos to DVD (all AVI). But to remember where a film is,
I want to write a small Skript with a name like ""
and put it in the folder, where the film originaly was. Then I modify
my to support ASCI files. And when you select one
of these films there should be a message displayed on OSD, like:

"Dieres Film ist auf DVD Nr. 0001"

Best solution would be a skript whitch waits for that DVD and when
a certain key is pressed, continue this replay of that film, but that
is for further versions.

So, how can I display a message on OSD ?


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