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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: All-Time-Recording

* Reinhard Walter Buchner ( [030414 20:50]:

> Well there are a few users running low powered machines..

Who aren't forced to use the feature.

> > If there is an interesting movie, I'd like to watch it from the
> > beginning. 
> Sorry. I don't get how the above idea will help. If you switch VDR
> on first, it can't record beforehand ;o)) If you mean VDR is already
> running (before you watch): how will VDR know which channels
> to stream to HDD (and for how long?)? You can *NOT* stream
> all channels at once (only same band and polarisation).

I _can_ stream all channels at once. In my setup I've got multiple DVB cards
and a multiswitch. Therefore, there is no problem recording multiple
transponders at the same time. Since in germany the "main channels" are
concentrated on only two transponders, there is no problem at all. As I
wrote, I can record 7 of the 11 most prominent german channels at once using
two DVB cards.

> No, VDR switches channels pretty fast I would say. The DVB
> does *not* play when watching live TV. Even crypted channels
> are switched fast (after the first load of info is cached). Klaus
> did a pretty damn good job on channel selection speed. Andreas
> Schultz's patch slows this down a bit, but he is working on it ;o))

Klaus did a very good job with VDR, I agree. However there are still things 
one could improve. 

You're probably right, that on a full-featured DVB card that is not running
in transfer mode, nothing can be improved. I don't own one, therefore I
cannot say anything about that. However, if a DXR3 is used as video out
device, the channel switch takes a while. I don't think that this is a DXR3
problem (but I'm not sure). The most obvious explanation for the delay seems
to be that vdr needs to wait for the next I-frame after the channel switch.

> Amongst others (see other problems I mentioned earlier) I don't
> think we should complicate this mechanism (and I know Klaus
> won't implement it anyway ;o))

That's of course his own decision.



Tobias Haustein


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