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[vdr] Re: 0.8.1

Hello Martin,

Saturday, April 19, 2003, 1:35:30 PM, you wrote:

MÅ> I had some problems with, it could take up to 30-40 seconds 
MÅ> before a movie started and some movies didn't start at all,
MÅ> instead mplayer generated png images of each frame which wasn't at all 
MÅ> what I wanted =)
MÅ> The problem is in the identify section in getvidxy, so I changed
MÅ> TEMP1=`$MPLAYER -identify "$FILE" 2>&1 | grep -i -e "^ID_"`
MÅ> to the example in the midentify script that comes with mplayer 
MÅ> (TOOLS/midentify)
MÅ> looks like this:
MÅ> mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify "$@" 2>/dev/null |
MÅ>         grep "^ID" |
MÅ>         sed -e 's/[`\\!$"]/\\&/g' |
MÅ>         sed -e '/^ID_FILENAME/ { 
MÅ> s/^ID_FILENAME=\(.*\)/ID_FILENAME="\1"/g; }'

MÅ> now it works without any problem at all...I think that just setting -vo 
MÅ> null -ao null would have solved the problem for me.

Iz it posible to add to that script to start a subtitle file when
starting avi file... pls can that be improwed or something....

Adis Salèin,                    |
IT Computers (Mostar) - Servis  |      |

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