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[vdr] Re: editing and converting VDR recordings

Am Mittwoch, 23. April 2003 11:01 schrieben Sie:
> Hello there!
> I have a couple of problems here, maybe someone is able to help.
> A few days ago I recorded a lot of music videos, all with one recording.
> Now I want to edit the whole recording and strip each music to a
> seperate file. But I don't know how to edit this ".vdr" file. I tried to
> open it with `cinelerra', but this doesn't work. Now, how can I strip my
> videos? What program do I need?

For cutting I use vdr itself.

> And related to that problem there is another interesting question: What
> is the recording format of VDR? How can I convert the recordings to
> ordinary MPG2 data? Btw, I am using Debian GNU/Linux and I can not use
> Windows programs.

The recordings of vdr are in a sort of mpeg2 called mpeg2 transport stream. 
You can convert them fast in normal mpeg2 with wine and pva strumento. 

(a bit OT here?)

Till now there is no problem. If you want to convert it to sort of divx 
mplayer/mencoder is your friend and you are fine, if you want to make a svcd 
out of it it can cause some serious headache to you (I have some Gigs of 
music videos here and ahve not found a way to handle this nice.) The biggest 
problem is to recognze what kind of stuff the video is and use the right 
filter. I have two concerts here that really are looking screwed up after 
encoding with mpeg2enc. I have tried to get TMPEG and other win encoder with 
wine to run but was not successfull so far. (dvd2avi is working, tmpeg starts 
too, but it seems avisynth is not working properly I get allways 10 seconds 
== 250 frames black video out of tmpg.

If andrew is reading here: The main problems are stroboskops and clouds (nebel 
?) and the like.

> Here is something more: If I am using my television for watching TV
> everything looks fine. But if I use `xawtv' there are interlaced-like
> troubles in the video. Is there any plugin or something else to fix
> that?

That is a problem of XawTV I don't know if there exist a deinterlacer for 
XawTV. If mplayer could handle this v4l device I would have a solution ;)



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