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[vdr] Re: lirc_serial modul doesn't work with the VdrNFSrootmini distribution

Sascha Volkenandt <> wrote:

> At Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 17:53 Thomas Glomann wrote:
> > Yes my serial ports are activated and they are recognized by the
> > linux kernel. But I don't think it's a hardware issue because
> > yesterday night when i first tried to load the lirc module on the
> > client it seemed to work. It definately said the magic    low   
> > receiver. but then VDR complained about not being able to connect to
> > /dev/lircd.  I don't know what I did then, just played around and
> > tried things out until I got to bed.  And today, it is rather the
> > other way round. VDR shows me the"Learn Keys screen" but my IR
> > doesnt receive anything.

1. compile the kernel WITHOUT serial driver support
2. make sure your receiver is connected to the right port
3. load lirc_serial.o
4. you should see it detect the receiver
5. remove the remote.conf file (if there is one)
6. start lircd with lircd /path/to/lircd.conf
7. start vdr (hopefully compiled with lirc support, REMOTE=LIRC)

if you use vdr-nfsroot from, there should be
allready all nodes in /dev.

hope this helps ...

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