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[vdr] Re: kvdr 0.6 released

Gregoire Favre wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 09:58:48PM +0200, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > It seems fullscreen is shifted to the left. It looks better now then before.
> > After return from fullscreen the top bar of the window is outside the
> > root-window, makes it impossible to move it or close it with the [x].
> I think it's not a kvdr bug, but because you are using DVB HEAD which
> has this bug for at least one year (bug solved for one yaer in
> dvb-kernel).
> Just give dvb-kernel a try ;-)

Would it be possible to apply this fix to the DVB driver version, too?
It is my understanding that DVB and dvb-kernel should be kept in sync
as far as possible, since many users (myself included) use the DVB driver
version and can't or don't want to switch at this time.


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