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[vdr] Re: Problem with libsndfile and mp3/mplayer plugin

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 21:00:25 +0000 (UTC) (Stefan Huelswitt) wrote:

> Most probably an older libsndfile is laying around and ld grabs
> the wrong one.
> You can do "ldd path/to/" to check which library
> actualy gets loaded.
> -- 
> Stefan Huelswitt
>  |
Ok, tried. Now i'm really confused. After a reboot, the pc had to sleep
because he was a bit mad, all works like expected. The intersting thing
is that i had after every make && make install also done a ldconfig. May
be i have mad some very stupid things. 
If someone know what i have done wrong, please enlight me. 

Thanks for your patience,


which is now sadly confused

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