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[vdr] Re: unknwon picture type / error in data stream


> I have found out that it isn't necessary to reload the DVB driver to fix
> the problem. It just is necessary to stop and start the recording again,
> maybe a few times. So the better solution seems to be to recognize this
> situation in the recording thread and stopping and starting it again.

Really? How often do you usally have to restart a recording?
I've tried it once several times (5 - 10 times, don't remember exactly) 
without any success!

BTW, I don't like the idea that have to be some "stupid" workarounds for 
that problem. It would better if we could track down the problem so that it 
can be fixed at its roots. Maybe someone having that sc-stuff mentioned 
here to also fix the problem can have a look at its source to see what it's 


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