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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin

Am Don, 2003-07-24 um 12.54 schrieb Reinhard Nissl:
> Hi,
> Vadim Catana wrote:
> > Can you give a link from where to download the
> > vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin or send it as attachment in an
> > email, so we could test it too ?
> I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a few weeks for release of 0.0.1 :-(
> At the moment, it's really just a scratch. I'm still evaluating a proper link 
> between vdr and xine.

What about a tcp-based connection between two shared libraries (one as
xine-plugin and one as VDR-plugin)?

This would also allow to run Xine and VDR on different machines (->
client/server setup).

Rene Bartsch
Faculties MNI
Computer Science 8th Semester
FH Giessen/Friedberg, Germany

Facsimile/Phone: +49 7 00/72 27 87 24

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