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[vdr] Re: deleting files in mplayer/mp3 -plugin

thanks for your answer.

Your reasons make sense, if there is more than one user.

As I am the only user on my VDR-PC I really would like such a feature.
From the view of consistence, the MPlayer/MP3-plugin files should be treated as TV-recordings imho.

Regards Anaxares

Onno schrieb:


it could be done quite easy, _but_ for obvious reason
(unwanted delete by others than the vdr owner....)
it is considered to be a good idear to keep use and
maintanace of the media archive sepparate.

so better use the vdrc plugin for delete/move/copy.

Regards Onno

if delete would be implemented in mp3/mplayer plugin,
the key layout and or mplayer/lirc mappings of the
users would need to be re-assigned/re-configured,
and that hassle is questionable, kept in mind that
vdrc exists. schrieb:


is that possible?



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