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[vdr] Re: deleting files in mplayer/mp3 -plugin

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 08:00:06AM +0200, wrote:
> thanks for your answer.
> Your reasons make sense, if there is more than one user.
> As I am the only user on my VDR-PC I really would like such a feature.
> From the view of consistence, the MPlayer/MP3-plugin files should be 
> treated as TV-recordings imho.

I totally agree with you regarding video files. I tend to download a 
flick, watch it, and then delete it. Doing the deletion from the VDR menu 
would be the best solution for me since I could delete the files 
immediately after watching them. Currently I'll delete the files when I'm 
at the console again and then I tend to forget deleting them, and I have 
some truoble remembering which files I've already watched ;)

Adding a delete button to the VDR menu should not be difficult. No 
mplayer/lirc mapping changes necessary. IIRC at least one of the four 
color buttons in the MPlayer/VDR menu is not used at the moment.

I myself do not need a delete button for MP3s since I tend to archive 
music. Also, the MP3/VDR menu is a bit cluttered as it is(?).

Also, I think unwanted deletion of video files should not be a problem. I 
at least treat my MPlayer files as I treat my TV-recordings. And the 
deletion of TV-recordings is not protected in any way.

But all of the above depends on the usage scenarios of VDR/MPlayer users. 
As I said, I download/watch/delete. Some others 
download/watch/archive/watch/... and do not want to delete the files ever. 
But then again, these guys would not have to use the delete button if one 
existed :)

> Regards Anaxares


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