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[vdr] Re: VDR's OSD via xine

> Ok, I was already suspecting that this isn't kvdr's fault since I also
> experienced this with tuxview...
> If I understand this right the plugin scales the image as needed and then
> draws the OSD by itself?

So i hope at least to get rid of the dvb-s so long i can't use a dish...

> Am I right that in general watching TV just on a monitor with the plugin
> instead of using /dev/video would be the better solution regarding quality?

If you like to have 100Hz and it's more sharp than most TVsets... but also 
smaller. I'am dreaming of a reasonable expensive beamer-solution with about 
2m image with but 1280x1024 pixels resolution and get rid of the monitor as 
well, so far it will stay a dream, as there is just not enough competition 
amoungst the manufacturers to drive the price of beamers and bulbs low 

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