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[vdr] Re: vdr to svcd with transcode sync problem

Am Sam, 2003-08-16 um 10.36 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> On Saturday 16 August 2003 01:42, Georg Vollmers wrote:
> >
> > Not a direct solution to your question, but the program tosvcd does this
> > job for me very fine and without any problems!
> thank you for your answer. I have tried tosvcd as well. But it gives the same 
> errors.  
> It seems to me that the audio stream of thze vdr recording has holes in it. 
> Can that be?

Did you try to play back your vdr recordings directly. If there are
"holes" in the sound, the the error belongs to the driver or vdr. If
not, it belongs to the converting program. But as you told, you got the
same erroneous results with different converters. So it's very likely
that the source data is defective. But again tosvcd: I tried 2 versions,
from wihc the older one gave me a lot of problems. Maybe also the other
used helpers like mpeg2enc are the reason of your problems. My SVCDs are
now high quality!
Georg Vollmers, Eulerstr. 23A, 30163[Definition des Denkens] Me-ti sagte: Denken
ist etwas, was auf Schwierigkeiten folgt und dem Handeln vorausgeht.
B. Brecht: Me-ti/Buch der Wendungen

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