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[vdr] Re: runvdr question - or better a bash question

> PLUGINS="-Pmp3 -Pmplayer "-Posdteletext -r""
> VDRCMD="$VDRPRG -w 60 -l 3 -c $VIDEOCONF -v $VIDEODIR -E /vdrconf/ 
> As you can see, I would need embedded quotations (for the osdteletext 
> plugin) within the PLUGINS variable. Whatever way I tried (quoting it with 
> backslashes, putting double quotation marks), bash always removes the 
> quotation marks before it issues the command.
> Has someone found a way to overcome this?

Try this one:
PLUGINS="-Pmp3 -Pmplayer \"-Posdteletext -r\""

For details try "man bash" and search for "quoting"


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