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[vdr] Re: analogtv plugin


generall info on how to install plugins:
extract plugin files in their own directory to vdr/PLUGINS/src/
and generate a softlink like "ln -s pluginname-0.0.1 pluginname".
now change to vdr folder and type:
"make plugins-clean && make clean && make && make plugins"

now start vdr with something like:
./vdr -Ppluginname to see your new plugin at work.

these are generic intructions, you never should do a simple make
 in the plugin directory, the minimal thing you must do is:
copy the files as mentioned and call "make all" in the plugin subdir.

Regards Onno
i suspect there are readme'a and man page's, try to find them too.
David Hellmann schrieb:

Hi !

Can anyone tell me how to install the analogtv-plugin for vdr 1.2.0 ?
I already downloaded the analogtv-0.2.1 and compiled it w/ 'make' so
that I got the 'analogtv.o'.
What have I to do now?


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