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[vdr] Re: Driver no longer loading at boot.

Lars Deutsch wrote:

funny and I thought I was the only one ... also did an apt-get upgrade
(gcc 3.3.1 was installed) and suddenly the driver failed to load. I also
have kernel version 2.4.22. For me the problem was that I had statically
linked the video4linux and input support into the kernel. After changing
this to load as modules everything worked fine ...
BTW: using DVB driver from 11.09.2003, vdr 1.2.4, kernel 2.4.22, debian
(woody) unstable branch.

Thanks Lars. I have gotten around the problem by installing the driver modules and adding a "modprobe -a module names" to the rc.local file, but it is still a complete mystery why the old setup has stopped working.



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