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[vdr] Re: Addition to Channel Menu

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Richard Scobie wrote:

I am using vdr 1.2.2 with a DVB-S 2.1 and was hoping to be able to add
the "Symbol Rate" field of channels.conf to the OSD Channels "Edit" and
"New"  menus.

Unfortunately I know just enough C++ to be dangerous. I'm picking that
menu.c cMenuEditChannel is the place to start, but would be grateful for
 any other assistence.

Try scrolling down the "Edit channel" menu ;-)


Thanks Klaus, but unless I am missing something, my "Edit Channel" shows only the items above the comment:

// Parameters for specific types of sources:

in cMenuEditChannel in menu.c (excepting the Nid, Tid and Rid fields), and I cannot scroll below Sid which is the last entry.

When I first looked at this, I thought that the other parameters below the comment should appear, conditional on the type of card fitted (S,C,T) and wondered why they didn't.

Now that you have confirmed that I should be seeing these other fields, can you tell me why I'm not? Is there some entry in a .conf file I have neglected to add?

The card is a Hauppage Nexus 2.1 and I do not ever recollect having seen these fields over all the different versions of VDR I have run for over a year.


Richard Scobie

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