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[vdr] Re: UPT-Error related with vdr-1.1.27-1.1.28-c.diff


>The "unknown picture type" error can only be reported during a recording or
>Transfer Mode. So if that happens, you already get an error message in the
>If you want additional actions to take place in that case, just locate the
>error message in remux.c and add your code there.
>You might want to use the 'status' plugin that comes with VDR to monitor
>the devices (maybe add some more output, depending on what you want to

Last week I installed a One-Card-System for a friend and while testing
I got the same error (but without that syslog entries) in live mode.
No recording, no CAM, simply live view. I got that error after heavy
zapping. Sometimes that error disappers when I keep on zapping, but most
times I have to reload the driver (!), not only VDR.


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