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[vdr] Re: MP3 player plugin and bass level

Hi Jan,

We've used the excellend MP3/Mplayer plugin for a while and have been very
happy with it. Plays all MP3:s that we have and without error.

However, my wife yesterday pointed out something that I've noticed too but
never really thought about: the bass level is low. It seems that the bass
somehow gets muted a bit compared to playing the same MP3 some other way.
I've tested to play it on the same machine using an ALSA-based player and
through the normal soundcard (ie. not through the DVB-c card), and the
bass sounds better. Could this be a problem with the DVB-c hardware
(Hauppauge DVB-c) or decoder ( Anyone else seen or heard the

Same thing here.
Use the MPSOSS-Plugin. This works  and sounds very well.


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