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[vdr] Re: VDR-distros should collaborate ...

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 23:32, Thomas Koch wrote:
> Am Montag, 29.09.03, um 13:54 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Rene Bartsch:
> > So I want to ask all to put their knowledge and wisdom into debian 
> > packages for the ctvdr-distro.
> No, sorry. LinVDR and the c't VDR have a complete different goal.

I don't want to get into distribution war, but I would like to comment
on the misinterpretation of our idea: 

The 80 mbyte ISO file we provided with our current issue runs a complete
VDR install within 15 minutes. Afterwards people have a running digital
PVR with a local web interface (your work). Sure it doesn't run on every
IDE PC out there, but it catches a lot of them. So people can just start
using it and must not know much about Linux. The only "difficult" part
of the installation is cfdisk -- from a Windows user perspective. 

As an extra we also provide previews of some plugins you can install and
remove with the help of the debian package management. That's work in
progress and has - today - some disadvantages. Most people, who are
grumbling loudly today about our project, are doing so, because they
can't get loaded enough patches and plugins into their PVR and get
caught by "the Debian way" or some bugs in our preview packages ;-)


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