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[vdr] Re: vdradmin blocks remotecontrol?

Hi Torsten,

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Torsten Kunkel wrote:
> I feel I already read something about this but I cannot find where it
> was. My vdradmin often blocks my remotecontrol :(
> Sometimes an hour, I press keys, but nothing happens. Then after some
> seconds my vdr runs through the buttons I pressed. Observing this
> error I noticed this only happening when vdradmin refreshes his lists.
This is well known and happens if your extends about 1 MB. Then you
just have a lot too much channels, I would say ;-) With about 100 channels
(all german, some english) my EPG is normally around 500 KB.

> a) how to make the time-distance of vdradmins longer?
Just increase "CACHE_TIMEOUT", default is 10 minutes, in your vdradmind.conf.
By that way, ensure that AT_TIMEOUT is the same or a higher value, everything
else is senseless.

> i don't know why it should update more than a few times a day, not
> sometimes an hour!
  - when you start VDR, it will take some minutes till VDR gathers some EPG.
    If you set the CACHE_TIMEOUT e.g. to 6 hours, vdradmin will get its data
    first after 6 hours
  - as well as the autotimer. I would probably loose some recordings.
  - some channels (RTL, Vox) have sometimes a nearly empty EPG, only two or
    three events in future. With a six-hour-update, I think you'll miss a lot.

> b) how can i bring vdradmin to not block my remote?
The problem is VDR itself. VDR can currently handle only one SVDRP connection
and will not read remote controll events during this time.
So in the time vdradmin gathers the EPG info (some few seconds), the remote
controll will get stuck for the time. There's a patch to read the
from harddisk, but it has its own limitations.

Good luck,
 LinVDR - The Digital Linux Videorecorder          

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