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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: mhp-0.0.3

Am Montag, 15. Dezember 2003 21:12 schrieb Andreas 'powARman' Regel:
> Hi list,
> I have released version 0.0.3 of my mhp plugin. You can download it
> at:
> Changes since 0.0.3:
> - data structures reorganized: instead of STL's map type now using
> VDR's internal cList and cListObject types for saving application,
> carousel and module data.
> - improved AIT parsing:
>   - fixed some parser bugs, more information extracted
>   - application data is now saved in a structural way
> - improved DSM-CC object and data carousel parsing:
>   - now using association tag for module and carousel identification.
>   - on every stream that carries carousel files a download info
>   indication message has to be received before completeness is
> checked. - many other bugfixes
> - section receiver simplified: now it just extracts the sections out
> of the transport stream, no ait parsing any longer (this is done in
> application classes)
> - introduced message levels: error, info, debug
> Andreas

Looks a lot better then 0.0.2. One bug i have found:

The dsmcc caroussel gets saved under a wrong dir. It allways is saved 
under the name of the previous channel. On tvtv dsmcc nothing is saved 
at all. And sometimes i only get a timeout but the ait file is saved. 



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