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[vdr] Re: bitstreamout and shm problems?!

> >   when i have a look at /dev/shm with vdr running i see about 10
> >   entries "vdr_memory_x". when i quit vdr the three that vdr complained
> >   about stay, all others disappear.
> In other words this is something like a leak.

Yes, there is. On every shutdown of vdr this gets in the log:

Dec 20 18:02:04 bigred vdr[32461]: shm_free pointer 0x403a0000 not found in alloc space
Dec 20 18:02:04 bigred vdr[32461]: shm_free pointer 0x403a4000 not found in alloc space
Dec 20 18:02:04 bigred vdr[32461]: shm_free pointer 0x403a8000 not found in alloc space

and three files remain in /dev/shm. Looks like something messes up
the pointers.

(vdr 1.2.6 w/ some patches, bitstreamout 0.48)


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